February Update

February 5, 2021

Dear Hayground Families,

First of all, thank you for your ringing endorsement. We opened registration for Hayground Classic less than two weeks ago and are already well on our way to full enrollment. That tells us that you believe in our vision of the future and you trust us to do what is right for you and your children. Thank you. We work hard to earn your trust because, without trust, there is no community. We always strive for that community.

To that end, we wanted to tell you a little bit about our approach to communications over the next five months leading up to Camp 2021. As you know if you were a part of the ride last winter/spring, we lead with radical transparency. We want you to know what we are thinking and how we are thinking about it. We want you to know that sometimes new information changes our minds. We have a vision, but we are flexible and we always have health and safety, both physical and emotional at the forefront of our decision-making process. 

You can expect an email on the first Friday of every month (like this one) with updates on programming, staffing, COVID protocols/developments and anything else we have to share. Every email will link to this document: Hayground Camp 2021: Questions To Answer. This document will be an evolving record of all of the questions we can think of, you have asked us and our staff have asked us along with answers that we have deeply considered. 

In addition, we will be hosting a Zoom session (see link below) on the second Wednesday of every month at 8PM that we are calling News from the Sandbox. This will be a one-hour call. I will talk about what is new in terms of the planning process and you will be given time to ask questions. 

News from the Sandbox Scheduled Meetings: February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9

Depending on the number of participants, questions may be taken through the chat for efficiency’s sake. All questions will be added to the document mentioned above. In some cases, we might be able to answer a question live because we already know the answer. In other cases, we will have thought of the question ourselves but do not yet have an answer. In still other cases, we will thank you for bringing our attention to a new question that needs to be addressed. All questions are welcome. 

You are always welcome to direct your questions at any time to info@haygroundcamp.org. Any questions that are asked in private will also be posted to the ongoing document unless, of course, they are personal in which case they will either be de-personalized or kept off of the list. 

Finally, all of these emails will be posted to the HaygroundCamp.org website under “News”.

We thank you for your ongoing support and for participating in the process of shaping this summer into an exquisite return to summer as it should be. 

See you soon,

Doug, Daniella and the Whole Hayground Camp Team

News From the Sandbox

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